Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Don't Forget your Camera

It is the notion of traveling that not only draws people together, it lets you try new things, freak yourself out, explore.  Getting out and seeing the world allows you to find yourself, learn what gets your heart pumping… get you excited to start living.  There is truly nothing in this world that can spark creativity more than traveling.  So I command you …


Go Somewhere!
“We need the tonic of wildness...At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be indefinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We can never have enough of nature.” - Henry David Thoreau
But I warn you, you will get lost, you might not understand Vietnamese, Mandarin or Swedish, you will however learn, bond, laugh and wonder.  You will take pictures

Buy souvaneers….tacky….and nice….you will spend too much money (that is okay, that is why you earned it!!)  Understand that you are creating your own history, so do just that PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD OWN IT!!!

Oh yah, and don’t forget your camera…

1 comment:

  1. This blogging experience has taught me a great deal about the impact that networking has within the sphere of online blogging. As I scroll through the past five posts on my blog it becomes very apparent that each new post is affected by the different blogs that I was required to interact with. This network of blogs relates to the issue of intertextuality because it uses links, quotes, photos and videos to network a collection of our classes blogs together. Each blog provides a link to another blog from our class. By creating this network of text, readers are able to see how one blog effects another. This effect is enhanced by including images, not only is the writing style of each blog reflected upon another blog, a physical photograph reflects the changes made helping to create a visual link between the texts. This project was a perfect example of text working in a hierarchal order thus disproving the work of Roland Barthes, each blog entry builds upon another. “the Text does not stop at (good) Literature; it cannot be contained in a hierarchy, even in a simple division of genres” (Barthes 157). The construction of such a hierarchy allows readers to see a linear progression of the change happening within a group of text like these blog entries.
    This concept of networking is greatly enhanced by the addition of links and images. After completing this long term project I have spurred some ideas that would help to make this idea of networking and multi modality even more powerful. The addition of music in each blog would allow for the artist to better express their ideas through the power of audio. Additionally, if the artist were allowed to change his or her theme with each blog post, it would create an interesting new space possibly reflecting the blogger’s partner blog. This project has taught me a great deal about the importance of intertextuality within the blogging sphere. It’s significance can have an enormous impact on the writing causing it to change meaning and context.

    Works Cited

    Barthes, Roland. "From Work To Text." Image, Music, Text. New York: Hill and Wang, 1977. 155-64. Print.
